Tui and Lark Wellspring
Tui & Lark Wellspring offers inspirational ideas, images, resources and links. Our logo of two flighted-singing-birds, symbolises a union arising through shared interests; those of recovery approaches in health, and of mutual involvement in the arts as a source of enrichment, healing and sustenance. We are based in the beautiful coastal city environment of Auckland in Aotearoa New Zealand and have an interest in the richness of community identity through diversity, with particular recognition of bicultural themes. We hope that in connecting with our pathways, you will find useful toanga or gems, to help you in your work or personal journey.
Marion Gordon-Flower
Registered Arts Therapist, ANZATA
Masters of Arts in Arts Therapy (Clinical) 1st Class Hons, 2008
Certificate in Supervision Skills, 2013
Graduate Diploma Secondary Teaching, 1999
Bachelor of Media Arts, 1998
Community Liaison Skills Certificate 1991
Diploma in Counselling Skills – Māori Health 1991
Personal Mission Statement:
Māori Proverb: “Morimoria te tangata kia tipu ake ai te tangata
pena i te totara”
“Nurture the unique potential within each person
that they might grow strong like the totara tree”
Roderick Flower
Qualified MD and Mental Health Specialist
Family Medicine Training Course,Royal College of G.P.'s
WRAP Facilitator
Certificate for Mentorship in Supported Employment
Personal Mission Statement:
Everyone is able to recover from a period of adversity with the right wellness tools
"The sheltering of the oak tree, sturdy and timeless"